Are you a Merchant or Non-Profit in the Central Market area? Are you interested in becoming a part of the neighborhood? Or struggling and need assistance finding resources? Hear about Central Market Partnership programs that are here to help you!
This workshop will help identify resources including:
- Site location services,
- Leasing assistance,
- Luild-out assistance,
- The revolving loan program,
- Other types of financing assistance,
- Community benefit districts, and
- Payroll and enterprise zone tax credit programs.
- Northern California Community Loan Fund
- Urban Solutions
- Community Benefit Districts
- Small Business Assistance Center
- Office of Economic Workforce and Development
- Revolving Loan Fund
- Payroll Tax Exclusion
- State and Local Enterprise Zone Tax Hiring Credits
- Central Market Partnership
Tuesday July 10, 2012
9:00-11:00 am
AQ Restaurant
1085 Mission Street (between 6th and 7th)
RSVP (not required)
(415) 554-5185