Please join staff from Recreation and Parks and the Trust for Public Land for the second of a series of community meetings to discuss the renovation of the playgrounds at Civic Center Plaza. Meetings are open to everyone.*
Thursday, October 2, 2014
6:00-8:00 PM
1 SVN Atrium Conference Room @ MTA
1 South Vab Ness Ave, 2nd Floor, San Francisco
Please RSVP to
More Information on the Civic Center Playgrounds
If you cannot attend the meeting, please provide comments to:
Alejandra Chiesa
The Trust for Public Land
(415) 800-5303
Karen Mauney-Brodek
San Francisco Recreation and Parks
(415) 575-5601
*If you would like to request accommodations, please contact our Inclusion Center at 415-206-1546 or Please note that requesting accommodations at least 72 hours prior to an event will help ensure availability. To request translation services please call 415-800-5303, at least 72 hours before the meeting.