
For over 150 years, Market Street has been the internationally-renowned main artery of San Francisco. However, a street as wide and busy as Market Street can often disconnect neighboring communities and residents.

District representatives for the Civic Center of Market Street are hosting a Market Street Community Conversation, where you’ll have the opportunity to express your desires and aspirations for interactive installations to be placed on the sidewalks for the Market Street Prototyping Festival . The interactive installations will be representative of community input with the overall goal of bringing together people of all ages and backgrounds; and creating a place for playing and engaging with one another in the Civic Center of Market Street.

Civic Center Community Conversation for Market Street Prototyping Festival

Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Time: 4:15 – 5:45 p.m.

Location: KUNST-STOFF Arts, 1 Grove Street

Register Here to participate in the community conversation

As a frequent citizen of the Civic Center of Market Street district, now is your chance to bring your ideas for a better, more exciting district to life! Join the conversation with the SF Beautiful, Central Market NOW and Civic Center CBD, and help us build a more collaborative, beautiful Market Street.

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