Certification & Training

Certification Non-Profit Management
The Institute for Organization Management was designed to enhance individual performance, elevate professional standards, and recognize association professionals who demonstrate the knowledge essential to the practice of nonprofit management. It is a week-long continuing education program that spans five annual sessions held at various universities.
Leadership San Francisco
Each year, approximately 60 future community leaders are selected to participate in LSF's 10-month program. Participants are challenged to increase their understanding of the environment in which they live and work, and to learn how to respond effectively to community issues.
AIA Honor Award for Regional & Urban Design
The Santa Monica Boulevard Reconstruction Project was the City of West Hollywood's two-year roadway improvement and beautification plan for the 3-mile stretch of Santa Monica Boulevard between La Brea Avenue and Doheny Drive. As a member of the advisory committee, we were honored by the AIA for our efforts.