Offer Your Input on the 'Better Market Street' Project at Public Workshops

Offer Your Input on the 'Better Market Street' Project at Public Workshops

Help San Francisco’s Better Market Street create a new vision for Market Street. One street meeting. One street moving. Please join for one of two public workshops in July 2012. If you can’t attend either workshop, sign up for the webinar. Share your thoughts with urban planners and other transit, bike, and pedestrian mobility experts. View…

Central Market Partnership to Offer Workshop: Resources for Merchants and Non Profits

Central Market Partnership to Offer Workshop: Resources for Merchants and Non Profits

Are you a Merchant or Non-Profit in the Central Market area? Are you interested in becoming a part of the neighborhood? Or struggling and need assistance finding resources? Hear about Central Market Partnership programs that are here to help you! This workshop will help identify resources including: Site location services, Leasing assistance, Luild-out assistance, The revolving loan program,…

Civic Center CBD Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

Civic Center CBD Annual Meeting and Election of Officers

The Civic Center Community Benefit District will be installing its first regular board at the CCCBD Annual Meeting on June 28, 2012. An interim board had led the organization for the first year while the CCCBD was incorporated and getting started. The new board was elected in April by a vote of the assessed property…

Civic Center CBD Featured in City’s ‘Civic Center Campus Chronicle’ Newsletter

Civic Center CBD Featured in City’s ‘Civic Center Campus Chronicle’ Newsletter

The Civic Center Community Benefit District and its formation was featured in the City and County of San Francisco’s “Civic Center Campus Chronicle” Newsletter. Below is the text of the article: Civic Center Community Benefit District Formed By Donald W. Savoie After many years of planning and countless volunteer hours, a group of concerned Civic…

Civic Center Community Benefit District Announces Election Results

Civic Center Community Benefit District Announces Election Results

The Civic Center Community Benefit District (CCCBD) has announced the results of its first election for the board of directors. The corporation was formed in 2011 with an interim board of directors who agreed to serve until the election of a regular board of directors, which was to occur no later than June 30, 2012….

The Civic Center CBD Gets a New Identity and Logo for Marketing the Neighborhood

The Civic Center CBD Gets a New Identity and Logo for Marketing the Neighborhood

The Civic Center CBD’s staff and marketing committee have been working with Rob Duncan of the local design firm, Dowling | Duncan, to create a new logo and identity for the Civic Center CBD and neighborhood. If you conduct a search for the SF Civic Center, you will find maps that show an outline of…

Come Meet Your Neighbors at the Civic Center CBD Community Meeting and Mixer

Come Meet Your Neighbors at the Civic Center CBD Community Meeting and Mixer

The board of directors of the Civic Center Community Benefit District would like to invite you to our first Community Meeting and Mixer on March 1, 2012. We will host our mixer from 5:30 to 7:30pm at 25 Van Ness Avenue. We will offer light refreshments and the event is free and open to all….

Civic Center Community Benefit District Starts Services

Civic Center Community Benefit District Starts Services

The Civic Center Community Benefit District (CCCBD) is pleased to announce that community service begin on February 1, 2012. These services are the culmination of many years of planning to create the CCCBD, and the many community members who volunteered countless hours to achieve this goal. Below is a list of the services provide and…