For residents and visitors

You can participate in the challenge by tagging a picture/selfie of you, your friends or family shopping at your favorite local business on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook with #shopdine49 by Friday, December 12. The winning submission will be selected to shop with the Mayor at a local business.


You can put up a Shop & Dine in the 49 window decals at your business. Contact the Civic Center CBD to get your decal or contact the Office of Economic and Workforce Development at Tag a picture of your local business with your Shop & Dine in the 49 decal on Twitter, Instagram, and or Facebook with#shopdine49 by Friday, December 12. The winning submission will be selected for a shopping trip with the Mayor and local leaders at the winning business establishment.


Head out and attend any Shop & Dine in the 49 events and discover our many local diverse neighborhood gems where you can find everything from your morning cup of coffee to the perfect holiday gift.

Spread the word and promote Shop & Dine in the 49. Take photos and remember to use #shopdine49 on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Suggested posts:

Having breakfast/lunch/dinner @__________, my favorite place to #shopdine49

I’m making a difference by shopping and dining in the 49 this holiday season #shopdine49

I support local businesses and I love my neighborhood. #shopdine49

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